Super Dragon Ball Heroes : Le Manga

Démarré par SSJGZetto, 06 Mars 2017 à 16:43:41

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Salut, à tous,

Le manga semble prendre une direction légèrement différente de l'animé :
Celui-ci nous présente l'apparition de plusieurs anciens ennemis en même temps tandis que l'animé semble s'attarder un peu plus sur le combat avec Kamba.


Salut à tous,
Je suis nouveau sur le forum.

J'ai pu lire les 6 premiers chapitre du manga en VF et je tiens à remercier pour ce super boulot.
Les autres chapitres étant disponible à ce que j'ai pu voir sur les messages du forum, le projet de trad est il toujours d'actualité ?
Je suis très impatient de pouvoir lire la suite en français.

Merci encore pour ce boulot énorme


Non, on a abandonné car la personne qui s'occupait du lettrage sur les scans n'avait plus le temps et la motivation!!...
J'ai filé mes débuts de traduction de la suite à quelqu'un d'autre mais, si j'ai bien compris, c'est par accès payant!!...
De toute façon, je pense que Glénat finira bien par nous sortir ça en V.F.!!...


Merci bcp pour ta réponse rapide, cela serait en effet cool qu'ils sortent en France, j'ai failli me laisser tenter et les acheter sur CD japan tout a l'heure.


J'avais fait un sujet au moins de juillet à propos de ce manga sur le site de Glénat mais personne n'y a répondu!!...

N'hésite pas à y manifester ton intérêt pour ce manga, ça finira bien par attirer l'attention!!...

Je ne suis pas accro aux histoires alternatives mais j'avoue que, malgré des défauts graphiques, ce manga m'a bien emballé, le monde démoniaque (et ses persos charismatiques) n'y étant pas étranger!!...
Et puis à la fin du Tournoi du Pouvoir dans le manga DB SUPER, Whis a apporté une info intéressante sur les démons, donc ils finiront bien par débarquer à un moment ou un autre dans le canon...


Je ne suis pas également super attiré par les histoires alternatives mais des fois cela me divertit bien notamment lorsque j'ai plus rien à lire et cela permet de voir un autre point de vu de mangaka.

Concernant glenat pour les avoir beaucoup questione Sur des lives, je peux déjà te donner leur vrai réponse.
Tant que le jeu ne sortira pas en France, ils ne feront rien concernant le manga peut importe l'intérêt que des milliers ou millions de fans peuvent avoir.
Sur Bleach notamment, ils ont été extrêmement clair concernant les romans, pas de retour danime pas de traduction.
Dans ce cas cela sera pareil, pas de sortie dû jeux en France, pas de traduction.
je peux me tromper, mais je ne pense pas.
Kana eux fonctionnent complètement de manière autre ....


L'épisode sur 3DS n'était pas sorti en France?!...
Et celui sur Switch ne viendra pas chez nous?!...
En plus, le jeu a dû voir sa popularité internationale exploser avec l'adaptation en D.A. je pense...


Si, le jeu Switch a de bonnes chances de sortir en Europe, et ce sera le premier DB Heroes a nous parvenir (et aux USA également).


Bon et bien n'hésitez pas une seule seconde à bombarder de nouveaux messages le sujet que j'ai lancé sur le forum de Glénat (lieu quelques posts au-dessus) afin de "mettre la pression" sur l'éditeur français!!...
O : )=


Pour info, voici un "résumé" en anglais du tout nouveau de chapitre de SDBH : UNIVERSE MISSION, le 6e :

Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Mission Chapter 6 (Untitled, but the illustration page text reads "The Most Terrible Seed ... Is Released")

In the remains of the former Prison Planet, Cumber has been retrieved into the "Core Area" in what was its center. A mysterious young woman (Kamin) comments on how pitiful it is that he broke out on his own only to be defeated and come back. She wonders if they should just kill him.

From the shadows, a young man (Oren) says he agrees with his sister. There's no need for weaklings here. Another voice calls out for them to wait. In the meantime, the speaker asks "Lagss" if she could return Cumber to normal for them. We now see that Cumber is lying on the floor encased in or made of a glass-like material, presumably a measure for his "retrieval." (Note: This is the previously unnamed female member of the Core Area warriors. The name is ラグス. With no characters to compare against or other background, I'm temporarily assuming her pun source is the most obvious one based on her kana usage and implied ability here: glass, グラス.)

The unseen speaker says he'd been "listening" to Cumber breaking free of the Core Area. He thought Cumber going on a rampage might help the Universe Seed grow faster. Indeed, he did a wonderful job gathering this much for them.

"But you must have known the strength of his opponents too, right?" Lagss comments.

"People ought to be free to do as they please," replies the other speaker. (Hearts) "Now..."

He asks the "former Kaioshin candidate" what they ought to do next.

From a crystalline throne far behind the others, Zamasu answers that he's already thought of a plan. However, there's no particular need to tell Hearts, right?

"Right," Hearts says. He's already "heard."

On Beerus' Planet, Whis, Vegeta, and the others discuss their sudden return from the Prison Planet. Judging from the sky darkening beforehand, it appears that someone made a wish for all the prisoners to be returned using the Dragon Balls. Vegeta points out that they should have been holding one Dragon Ball to prevent them from being collected, but Mai says that without her noticing, their Dragon Ball had been plucked from her pocket. (This is a reference to Ozotto saying he was able to steal the remaining Dragon Balls during the commotion in the previous chapter.) Trunks is worried that Goku hasn't returned, but Beerus says that worrying isn't going to bring Goku back.

More importantly, he and Whis have been summoned to the Omni-King's, and it won't do to be late. Whis prepares to send everyone back to Earth, only to be interrupted by the Kaioshin receiving urgent news from Fuwa, the Kaioshin of Universe 6. It seems that Universe 6 is under attack!

In Universe 6 (planet unspecified), Cabba wonders if it's okay to leave everything "there" up to Hit, but knowing Hit, figures it'll probably be fine. Besides, he has to do something about "these two."

Landing behind Cabba in a canyon are Kale and Caulifla, bearing white hair and marks resembling Baby's. Cabba pleads with them to wake up. They promptly smash him into a cliff wall.

Having taken their attacks, Cabba notes that the two of them are even stronger than normal.

Vegeta and Trunks then appear out of nowhere in Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan forms respectively and sock Caulifla and Kale so hard enormous blobs of liquid metal fly out from their bodies. (As often happens.)

The liquid reforms into Kamin and Oren. Oren is surprised to find Cabba still had friends left. Kamin thinks they seem a lot more fun than him.

Vegeta comments that he gets it ... the two can parasitically attach themselves to and control other people.

Recovered, Kale and Caulifla thank Universe 7 for the help, but want to settle the score on their own. Vegeta acquiesces, since that's exactly what makes them Saiyans.

Of course, since they're helping them anyway, Caulifla snags the Universe 7 Kaioshin's Potaras off him. Kale and Caulifla fuse into Kafla.

Kafla roughs up Kamin and Oren a bit, then tells Cabba to go back up the fight at the other location. She has a worse feeling about the enemy over there.

In the middle of a crumbling city, Hit faces off against Zamasu. After exchanging a few close misses, Hit moves in with his Time-Skip, but finds Zamasu is reading around it, anticipating his attacks.

On a subsequent attempt, Zamasu debates his read--right or left--and gets socked by Hit square in the jaw. "There's no time for hesitation."

Zamasu flies above the city and ruminates internally on how irritating it is that a creature who isn't even a god should be able to interfere with time. Sure enough, these mortals are deserving only of destruction.

Hearts appears behind Hit and says he can't agree with that line of thought. The ones deserving of destruction ... are the gods.

"Besides, you aren't a god, but a mortal yourself, isn't that right? Zamasu."

"Now that I cannot overlook, Hearts. Don't dare to put me in the same class as these barbaric creatures."

More importantly, Zamasu asks, how is their plan going?

They still need more energy. Hearts suggests moving to a place where they can gather even more.

He has a question for "you, with the purple over there." He asks Hit who the strongest person as far he knows is. Reflexively, Hit thinks of Jiren. Hit turns toward Hearts and says he's under no obligation to answer him. Hearts laughs and says that's fine. Hit prepares to attack with a Time-Skip.

However, he finds his attack has swung wide. Hearts has already "heard" him.

Hearts has one more question for Hit. Where can he find him? He casually catches another one of Hit's punches, and Hit thinks to himself that it's like all his moves are being perfectly read.

No sooner does he finish his thought than Zamasu's ki blade runs through his chest.

Zamasu apologizes sardonically to Hearts. He's gone against his way of thinking and killed another mortal again. Hearts says think nothing of it. It's unavoidable. This is just another esteemed sacrifice along his path to utopia.

Hearts contacts Lagss and asks her to prepare to move the ship and pick up the twins. Their next target: "Jiren" of Universe 11.

En route to their meeting with the Omni-King, and now running later because Beerus took time to eat, Beerus and Whis discuss the events concerning Goku and the others. Whis says he has a guess about what might have happened to Goku. He may be in a state where they can't feel his power. Beerus wonders if that means Whis thinks Goku is dead. Or ... does he mean a "place" where they can't feel his power?

In the Grand Priest's realm, the Grand Priest comments that it seems like Goku's power has returned. The uniform (modeled after the Grand Priest's own) suits him too. He offers to send him back to to his friends.

Sincèrement, c'est quand même autre chose que le D.A.!!...
Allez Glénat, bouge-toi et sors-nous ce manga!!...
End of chapter


La numérotation reprendre à zéro pour Super Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Mission. Le premier volume est prévu le 2 mai prochain.


A priori, c'est deux-là sont des armes créées par les Tsufuls de l'Univers 6, ce seraient des "Neo Machine Mutants" :

Pas étonnant qu'ils rappellent tant Baby!!...


Bonjour, à tous,

Ouais c'est carrément la classe ces 2 personnages !
Ca fait une jonction avec DBGT pour SDBH qui lui même possède une jonction avec DBS, j'aime beaucoup.

Le chapitre 16 de SDBH est disponible :


Je suis super content!!...

Le manga SUPER DB HEROES : DARK REALM MISSION va reprendre (vu que cette histoire continue en jeu vidéo) et l'auteur va également continuer SUPER DB HEROES : UNIVERSE MISSION (le manga qui l'avait remplacé pour coller au jeu d'arcade)!!...
Si au passage on pouvait avoir également un long flashback sur la création du Sombre Royaume démoniaque (les dernières missions du jeu originel DB HEROES en fait), ce serait le comble du bonheur concernant ce manga!!...


Le 1er tome de SUPER DB HEROES : UNIVERSE MISSION sortira le 2 mai 2019 au Japon!!...